El impacto de la nutrición y la dieta en la salud bucal
Zohoori F. Vida; Duckworth Ralph M.
Edición: 1
- Páginas: 152
- Tamaño: Manual
- Presentación: Pasta Dura
- DR ©: 2020
- ISBN: 9783318065169

1 - 13: Chapter 1: Nutrition and Diet
14 - 21: Chapter 2: Oral Conditions
22 - 31: Chapter 3: Macroelements: Ca, Na, K, P, Cl
32 - 47: Chapter 4: Microelements: Part I: Zn, Sn, Cu, Fe and I
48 - 58: Chapter 5: Microelements: Part II: F, Al, Mo and Co
59 - 67: Chapter 6: Vitamins and Oral Health
68 - 76: Chapter 7: Sugar and Dental Caries
77 - 90: Chapter 8: Milk, Yoghurts and Dental Caries
91 - 98: Chapter 9: Acidic Beverages and Foods Associated with Dental Erosion and Erosive Tooth Wear
99 - 107: Chapter 10: Probiotic Bacteria and Dental Caries
108 - 113: Chapter 11: Nutrigenomics and Oral Health
114 - 124: Chapter 12: Nutrient Deficiencies and Oral Health
125 - 133: Chapter 13: Diet and Periodontal Diseases
134 - 147: Chapter 14: Impact of Oral Health on Diet/Nutrition
Categoría | Odontología |
Especialidad | Libros |
Especialidad | Distribuciones |
Especialidad | Karger |
A la venta en tienda electrónica | No |