Síndromes neuropsiquiátricos en enfoque - Parte II
Edición: 1
- Páginas: 156
- Tamaño: Manual
- Presentación: Pasta Dura
- DR ©: 2018
- ISBN: 9783318060881

35 - 43: Capgras Syndrome and Other Delusional Misidentification Syndromes
44 - 50: De Clérambault Syndrome, Othello Syndrome, Folie à Deux and Variants
51 - 58: Couvade Syndrome - Custom, Behavior or Disease?
59 - 71: Possessions Including Poltergeist: “Are You There, Madness?”
72 - 80: Conversion, Factitious Disorder and Malingering: A Distinct Pattern or a Continuum?
81 - 86: Munchausen Syndrome and the Wide Spectrum of Factitious Disorders
87 - 95: Camptocormia: New Signs in an Old Syndrome
96 - 105: Glossolalia and Aphasia: Related but Different Worlds
122 - 131: Jumping Frenchmen, Miryachit, and Latah: Culture-Specific Hyperstartle-Plus Syndromes
132 - 141: The Dancing Manias: Psychogenic Illness as a Social Phenomenon
142 - 150: The Alice-in-Wonderland Syndrome
Especialidad | Psicología |
Especialidad | Libros |
Especialidad | Distribuciones |
Especialidad | Karger |
Dirigido a | Psicólogos, Psiquiatras, Clinical Research |
A la venta en tienda electrónica | No |